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iRobot Need a new Vacuum Battery When Performance Dipped

Some of iRobot Roomba’s performance issues are attributable to battery problems but it is not always easy to tell, right off the bat, whether you need a brand new handheld vacuum battery replacement.

If your vacuum is acting up, you are probably wondering how do I know if my Roomba battery needs a new one. Today Batteryfast.org vacuum cleaner battery experts share the tell-tale signs that you need to replace your iRobot Roomba’s battery and how to go about it.

Signs Your iRobot Roomba Vacuum Battery Needs A New One

Power Light Refuses To Go On – The most ominous sign that all might not be well with your Roomba is when the power light does not illuminate. When fully charged, the light should be a solid green color, pulsing amber when charging, solid red when the battery is empty, and flashing red when the battery is too low to dock on its own. If your robot is not lighting up, flip the gadget over, remove, wipe it, and then put the battery back in its enclosure after a few minutes. A click sound will tell you that the battery has sat well in its enclosure.

Performance Does Not Increase After Resetting

Resetting might help to revive a stubborn battery. Follow these steps to reset your Roomba:

  • Press the Clean button to power the robot on
  • Hold down the ‘Dock’ and ‘Spot’ buttons simultaneously for about 20 seconds
  • Release both buttons at the same time; Roomba’s usual starting sound will follow
  • Charge the battery for up to 16 hours or until full as indicated by the green light

If the unit’s performance does not improve after following these steps, it might be time to replace your battery.

iRobot 537 Vacuum Battery Has A Short Run Time

At its peak, the best Roomba model generally runs anywhere between 1 and 2 hours depending on factors such as the size of your home, its layout, type of floors, and whether or not you have pets at home.

Sometimes, you might notice that the robot actually leaves its dock and runs only for 15 or 20 minutes before stopping halfway through the job.

Roomba Cleaner Battery Does Not Hold Charge

After five years of using one of my Roombas, it started draining its charge abnormally fast. In the end, I would keep it charging for an entire day but it would only manage to leave its dock for a few minutes before the “battery depleted” orange light would start to blink.

If this sounds familiar, try performing the drain-charge cycle to revive the battery. To do this, pull out the robot’s battery then put it back in after a few minutes.

Start a cleaning session and run the robot until its battery charge is completely low. Plug the robot vacuum to a charger and allow it to charge for up to three days continuously.

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