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How to solve Asus a41-x550a battery plugged in not charging issue

Asus Laptop Computer Battery Troubleshooting Guideline

Asus laptop batteries charged or stored under high ambient temperatures may have permanently damaged capacity and accelerated battery life decline. When the battery temperature is too high or becomes overheated, battery charging capacity will be limited or even stop. This is part of the system’s battery protection mechanisms.

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Asus Laptop Battery Status: “Plugged in, not charging

If you are getting the “Plugged in, not charging” status on your Asus A41-X550A laptop battery, please trial following the steps below to solve the issue:

  1. Shutdown Asus laptop
  2. Unplug AC adapter
  3. Remove battery
  4. Plug in AC adapter
  5. Turn on laptop, allow operating system (OS) to boot
  6. Once logged in to the machine, perform a normal shut down
  7. Unplug the laptop AC adapter
  8. Replace one brand new Asus A41-X550 notebook battery
  9. Plug in Asus AC adapter
  10. Turn on laptop, allow OS to boot
  11. Status should now say, “Plugged in and laptop battery charging”

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