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How to make most out of your cordless vacuum battery

Cleaning your house would suck the life out of your handheld cordless Dyson vacuum cleaner’s battery power, eventually leading to a shorter runtime and leaving you with weaker suction power.

There are multiple factors that can affect the battery life and overall performance of your cordless vacuums. And there are several ways you can extend the lifespan of a battery on a Dyson vacuum, plus the runtime of a single battery charge. “Owners can help preserve the runtime and overall life of their machine’s battery by using the power mode best suited to the cleaning task, and only using ‘boost’ mode for intensive cleaning.

Today Australia reliable vacuum batteries supplier: Batteryfast.org experts share some steps to take to extend the battery life on Dyson vacuums:

Adjusting the cleaning mode on your cordless appliance can add a few valuable minutes to your vacuuming time. If you’re just cleaning up cereal off the kitchen floor, you should only need to use a low power mode. You should only really boost your vacuum’s power when you need it, such as for getting pet hair out of the carpet.

Rechargeable lithium Dyson 17083-3312 vacuum batteries and extreme temperatures don’t mix, which is why it’s important to store your vacuum cleaner at room temperature.

Fully charging the battery before using your vacuum helps to kick-start what’s known as the ‘calibration process,’ which helps the appliance ‘learn’ how that individual battery behaves. Most cordless Dyson vacuum batteries are self-calibrating these days, but it doesn’t hurt to keep up good practice.

There is no two vacuum cleaner batteries operate in the same way, but that fully charging your cordless vacuum cleaner before using it for the first time, and after every clean, which can help the battery last longer.

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